- 合計アクティビティ 945
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- フォロー 0ユーザー
- フォロワー 1ユーザー
- 投票 4
- サブスクリプション 406
I believe you're trying to pass your own user ID into the box_subject_id, which won't work because you've selected app only as the application access. This setting means you'll only be able to pass...
Wonderful to hear and definitely not a bother! This helped me update our documentation to help others in the future :)
Hello, The bug that was causing issues with Client Credentials Grant was resolved, but I did double check the backend and it looks fine for this application. Can you please share the call you're ...
Hello, Could you please reproduce this error and provide me with: date/time/timezone of the error the full body response, like you did above, including request ID Best, Kourtney, Box Developer...
Hello, The error I'm seeing on the backend is "Missing+permissions+user_api_act_as_user". This indicates that you are attempting to use the as-user header, but it is not properly enabled. Please e...
Its hard to say for sure without more information and pulling logs. The issue would't be the amount of content you are uploading but rather the speed. The rate limit to be concerned about there is ...
Hello Subhash, Rate limiting does not vary by plan type and is imposed on the per user basis. Our SDKs also have exponential backoff methods and retry headers built in to mitigate the risk of bein...
Hello, Could you please provide the client ID of your application so I can take a look at it in the backend? I believe you may be affected by a known bug. Best, Kourtney, Box Developer Advocate
Hello Martin, I went ahead and ran the script on your account so you should be all set! Counts look good on the backend. Best, Kourtney, Box Developer Adovcate
Hmm what error message dud you get during that time? The only errors I'm seeing are 400s related to tokens. Digging further into those the error is: invalid_client: The client credentials are inval...