Fariz Martha

  • 合計アクティビティ 8
  • 前回のアクティビティ
  • メンバー登録日
  • フォロー 0ユーザー
  • フォロワー 0ユーザー
  • 投票 3
  • サブスクリプション 2


Fariz Marthaによる最近のアクティビティ 最近のアクティビティ 投票
  • Please correct my used storage space


    I only have 13.7GB of data in my Box account, but Box says I have used 19.4GB of the space!   I checked the trash and it was empty. What is the problem? Why it used storage is way off?

  • Incorrect used storage


    I only have 20GB of data in my Box account, but Box says I have used 31GB of the space! I checked the trash and it was empty. What is the problem? Why it used storage is way off?