Licensing Icon

  • 合計アクティビティ 6
  • 前回のアクティビティ
  • メンバー登録日
  • フォロー 0ユーザー
  • フォロワー 0ユーザー
  • 投票 0
  • サブスクリプション 3


Licensing Iconによる最近のアクティビティ 最近のアクティビティ 投票
  • Storage Limit of 10GB


    I've shared a folder to an external source. When the external source uploads they get an error saying "Account storage limit reached" Why is this happening when my account storage is unlimited?

  • Need Help to Migrate from Dropbox


    I've just signed up for and i filled out what was a quick surveymonkey survey but have yet to receive any kind of communication for next steps to migrate data using Box Shuttle. Can i get s...