Mario Montgomery

  • 合計アクティビティ 6
  • 前回のアクティビティ
  • メンバー登録日
  • フォロー 0ユーザー
  • フォロワー 0ユーザー
  • 投票 0
  • サブスクリプション 2


Mario Montgomeryによる最近のアクティビティ 最近のアクティビティ 投票
  • no space - store is almost full


    Hello support team. Again, my box tells me that the store is almost full. 38GB of 50GB should be occupied. This can not be, because there are only a few files on the box. The trash is also deleted....

  • Low Disk Space


    Hello support team. Again, my box tells me that the store is almost full. 38GB of 50GB should be occupied. This can not be, because there are only a few files on the box. The trash is also deleted....

  • Low Disk Space again

    Hello support team. Again, my box tells me that the store is almost full. 45GB of 50GB should be occupied. This can not be, because there are only a few files on the box. The trash is also deleted....