Stephen Christie
- 合計アクティビティ 6
- 前回のアクティビティ
- メンバー登録日
- フォロー 0ユーザー
- フォロワー 0ユーザー
- 投票 2
- サブスクリプション 1
Stephen Christieさんの最近のアクティビティ-
Stephen Christieさんがコメントを作成しました:
Thanks Nathan. My hope is that if we go with Box then our studio admin will have admin rights to it and we can request Groups as needed from him. I'll keep this strategy in mind and hopefully can m...
Stephen Christieさんがコメントを作成しました:
Thanks for the suggestion Nathan. That sounds like it would help, but I don't see the option to create Groups. I'm guessing because it's a corporate account so I don't have that right. I don't have...
Stephen Christieさんがコメントを作成しました:
I really wish 7 years later Box would have figured out how to let us turn off notifications of auto-accepts every time we invite someone. Adding email filters doesn't change the fact that if I invi...