Unable to open and download documents in Box (bis)

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  • France

    Hi Sokhna, 

    Welcome to the Box Community and apologies if I've missed your previous post and response!

    Have you tried to connect to a different network to see if that makes any difference and how about if you use a different computer/ device, does that allow you to download and open the files with  no issue?

    Can you also checked if the folder where these files are located has watermarked enabled?

    • Files and Folders that are Watermarked may not be able to be downloaded normally by some collaborators. Please refer to Watermarking Files for expected behavior for each collaboration permission level on Watermarked content.


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  • Sokhna Mbacke

    Hi France,

    Thanks for your suggestions. Using a different network did not change the outcome, but I was able to download a document while using another device. Please let me know if you have any suggestions for resolving the issue with my primary computer.

    Many thanks
    Kind regards

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  • France

    Hi Sokhna, 

    Thanks for your update.

    It sounds like your computer may have some settings or it could also be a firewall or proxy that is blocking your access/ downloads from Box. This would be better check with the assistance of an IT person.

    To configure your firewall or proxy to allow Box access, please follow the steps in this article: Configuring a Firewall for Box Applications

    Hope that helps!

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