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Pop-up show I'm running out of storage but I'm not

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1 comment

  • AJ

    Hi Pronthep,

    Welcome to the Box Community! I'm happy to help.

    I looked up your Box account and should upload files since this is nowhere near your space limit which is 10 GB.

    It looks like you are uploading files to a shared folder which has reached the allocated space. It's important to note that shared folders enforce the file size limit that applies to the Folder Owner's plan, whether or not any of the collaborators within the folder have a higher limit.

    To confirm the file size limit for your account, log into Box. Click on the arrow next to your name in the upper right-hand corner and choose Account Settings > Account. Your Max file size is listed under Account Details.

    If you are unable to upload a file to a shared folder because of the inherited file quota limits, please alert the folder owner.

    Hope this helps. 



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