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Editor Access

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  • France

    Hi Cecilia, 

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!

    Please be advised that only editor, owner, or co-owner in a folder can modify the access levels of other collaborators.

    To modify a collaborator's access level in a folder:

    • Open the appropriate folder.
    • You will see a list of collaborators in the right-hand sidebar.
    • Click a collaborator's name to to view all the collaborators in this folder.
    • Find the collaborator whose access level you would like to modify. You can search by name using the Filter Collaborators search box in the upper right.
    • Under the Permissions column, click the user's access level to modify it. Select the appropriate access level from the dropdown that appears. If the access level is greyed out, you may not have the necessary permissions to modify that user's access level.

    Please continue working with the owner of the folder you requested this to and provide the above steps to make sure the changes will be applied to you.

    For more information on managing collaborators, please take a look at this article: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044196273-Managing-Collaborators#modifycollaborator

    All the Best, 

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