Embedded Box.com under Zendesk - the breadcrumb directory navigation bar is missing

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  • France

    Hi Martin, 

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!

    It looks like you are using Box Embed Widget to embed files and folders from your Box account page onto your Zendesk support page. With Box Embed widget, users have the option to enable the 'hide folder path' which basically hides the complete path of where these files are located in Box, and it looks like somebody may have enabled this for this embed widget if this was previously showing the folder path.

    To see the folder path again in your widget, please login to your Box account in a browser and locate the folder where these items are located then click 'More options' for that folder. Choose "Embed Widget" and it will open the settings of the widget for that folder; uncheck  the option 'hide folder path', and then preview to make sure that the path is showing again.

    For more information about Box Embed Widget, please take a look at this article: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043695434-Create-a-Box-Embed-Widget

    Hope that helps and if you have questions, please let me know!

    All the Best, 

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  • Martin Chong

    Hi France,

    Thanks for the suggestions.

    My colleague who is the box admin at Austco came back with this comment below.

    Can you please find out if that is relevant?

    Please kind in mind that we have not made any changes to embedded box.com into Zendesk at our end prior to encountering the issue.


    From: Neil Sharp <Neil.Sharp@austco.com>
    Sent: Wednesday, 28 December 2022 4:08 AM
    To: Martin Chong <Martin.Chong@austco.com>; Salman Sattar <Salman.Sattar@austco.com>
    Subject: RE: Box Product Support - Update on Case #2761118




    I think this is related to Box’s implementation. It seems like there are some callbacks that are being denied (HTTP/401):


    I would start there. By looking at the network access records for the page, I can also see cross-site scripting issues:


    This is always going to be a problem with injecting 3rd party site information into Zendesk. You may be able to counter this through your browser settings. Or, try using an older version of a particular browser to test with. Your browser may be enforcing new cross-site scripting rules.






    Neil Sharp
    Chief Technology Officer

    3150 Premier Dr, Suite 128, Irving, Texas, 75063, USA
    T:+1 972-929-0974 
    F:+1 972-929-0976

    | www.austco.com


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