email change

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  • AJ

    Hi Jerry,

    Welcome to the Box Community! I'm happy to help.

    I looked up the account and was deactivated by you. I suggest that the best way to do about this is you creating another Box account with the new email address and have collaborators send you the invitation to the new Box account.

    If you need to retain the old account and change it with a new email then contact us back so we can look this up.



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  • Chris

    I too am trying to change my email address and can't find any way of doing this. I want to keep my current account but want to change the email address. Why is this not possible? How can I change it? AJ

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  • Chris Ryan

    I am not able to change my email address. My account is a personal account. The “help” area of this site references me having to contact the admin for my account. Well, I do not have an administrator; nor, have I ever had one for this account. . So, now what? My old email address was discontinued by the service when I stopped using that provider. 

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