Box drive: what is the upper size limit of offline content ?

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  • France

    Hi Luc O, 

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!

    Have you checked out this article regarding Box Drive's cache information: 

    Box Drive's maximum cache size limit is set to 50% of your available local disk space or 25 GB, whichever is smaller.  Box Drive requires at least 1 GB of free space to function properly. (To do this, please see steps below.)
    • Files marked for offline access do not count against this limit. You can fill up your hard drive until you have 2 GB of remaining space.

    This article might also help in managing your device storage when marking files for offline use: 

    Hope the above information helps! If you have other questions, please let us know and we will help you!


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  • Luc O

    Thanks France for shedding light on the fact that "space for cache" with its standard limit of 25GB is not  "space used by files marked for offline access". The take home message for me is that with a proper setting, data in BOX drive can be backed up safely (local or dedicated cloud services).

    Both articles are well worth reading by administrators.


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