Box folder

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  • France

    Hi Sherry, 

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!

    If someone accidentally moved a folder into another folder, your Box admin may run a User Activity report to determine who performed this specific action. I also checked your profile, and it looks like you are part of an organization that requires their managed users to contact your internal helpdesk or IT team for issues related to Box. Kindly reach out to your internal helpdesk or IT team for further assistance on looking into this.

    Regarding a way to prevent a folder from being moved, unfortunately, we do not have a feature that will prevent this. A user's ability to move an item in a collaborated folder is actually determined by their level of permission in that folder. Currently, only folder owners can move top-level folders, while co-owners and editors can only move content contained in the folder they are collaborating on.

    Please take a look at this article for reference: 

    **** Co-owners and editors can move only content contained in the folder they are collaborating on. For example, if a collaborator is invited to Folder A, which contains Folder B and File C, the collaborator can move only Folder B and File C, and cannot move the top-level item.

    Thanks for posting and let us know if you have other questions!


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