URGENT: All my files disappeared when I installed Box Sync

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  • France

    Hi Aejunge, 

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!

    Can you login to your Box account via a web browser and go to the Trash Bin that is on the left side menu then check if the missing files are in there and restore them?:

    You may use the filters within the trash folder to make your search easier. You can filter content by items you own, or by items you’ve deleted.  To do this, directly beneath the folder label (Trash), click the Items I Own (or Items I Deleted) down arrow.  Then click the option you want.

    • The Items I deleted filter displays all items you have deleted, regardless of who created or owns the item.
    • The Items I own filter displays all deleted items you own, regardless of who deleted the item.

    To learn more on how to manage your Box Trash, please check out this article: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044196093-Managing-Trash

    Hope that helps you locate your files! 

    All the Best, 


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