Email not being received

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  • Kim Slipy

    We've had this happen to our users more than I care to admit. Send an email to Box support to see if the impacted user has been added to their email suppression list. They claim this happens when they get a "hard bounce back" from our server. We've implemented their recommended countermeasures, but it has continued to persist intermittently. Once they remove the user from the suppression list, they start getting email notifications right away. Hope this helps (if this is your issue!)

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  • AJ

    Hi All,

    Welcome to the Box Community! I'm happy to help.

    Thanks Kim for the time and effort in providing assistance to our public forum where users get the most out of the community.

    If you believe that user/s having issues with receiving emails from Box. Please have them contact Box and we can check if these emails are included in the boinced list. 

    Also, check if your firewall or virus scan is blocking the email notifications. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or Corporate IT department and ask that emails from,, and are added to the email whitelist to ensure that Box messages are not blocked.

    You can also check our helpful link from our Community article:


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  • GBE Admin

    We have the same issue. Shared a folder with an external collaborator and he is not getting the email.

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