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Notifications on stats bar not showing

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  • Official comment

    Hi there, 

    Welcome to the Box Community! 

    For me to check, may I please have a screenshot of what it looks like on your end?

    Looking forward in assisting you.

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  • Box User

    The exact same thing is happening to me ever since I updated to the next to last version and the current version dated March 9, 2023 on Google Play. Every time I manually upload a file, there should be a transfer progress notification in the notification shade, then a success message when the transfer is complete. I'm not getting that anymore. I reverted back to version 6.14.5 and everything works as expected so something is definitely broken in the app. I'm currently using a Samsung Galaxy S23 if that helps.

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  • marylandcowboy

    Unfortunately a screenshot is not going to show anything. When I go to a file and click share to box, when it would start to transfer a box notification would show on my status bar then disappear after the transfer was completed. I don't see that now only way to see if it transfered the file it is to open box up and look for it.

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  • marylandcowboy

    Thanks 6.14.5 worked we shouldn't have to revert back to an older version. Can't tell you how many times I've brought this up to them.

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  • Box User

    You're welcome! Isn't it something when a company can't even get something as simple as this to work. I'm keeping the apk file on hand in case their next update is still broken.

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  • marylandcowboy

    Got that right I know it's a probably not a big deal for them but it was bothering me that I would have to go into box to make sure the file uploaded. Just have to turn automatic updates off so it don't update to that last version.

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  • Box User


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  • Box User

    Version 6.17.7 is still broken. Still no transfer progress in the notification shade. This update claims "big fixes" but obviously this bug got swept under the rug.

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  • Box User

    In version 6.17.8 it's STILL BROKEN. I give up. In Google Drive it works, in Dropbox it works. Box can go shove it.

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