App stopped working this AM - insufficient permission
Just this morning, we started getting this error from the python SDK: boxsdk.exception.BoxAPIException: Message: Access denied - insufficient permission
This app has not changed and has worked fine continuously since October '22. I don't see anything in the dev console that would indicate that my API keys have expired or anything of that nature. All it does is try to read newly uploaded files to a folder triggered by a webhook.
Any suggestion about how to resolve?
Resubmitting the app for authorization by our admin fixed it for me. Some bug on the box side. My app showed it was authorized already.
Zero help from box support on this. No investigation. Very disappointing! I just tried this as a Hail Mary.
I’d suggest you open a ticket with support on this even if reauthorization fixes it. Maybe someone will figure out that there is a systemic issue.
Same problem here.
Have been using the endpoint "{}/content" since February, never had any problem but since 4 days i now receive the "Access denied - insufficient permission" message -
Hi Folks!
Thanks for posting about your issue. The developer forum is not meant to be used for urgent on demand support or production level problems. If you are looking for that, please file a support ticket. It will get routed to the appropriate team and triaged.
Happy coding!
Alex, Box Developer Advocate
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