

  • France

    Hi Gregory, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    Please note that during the upgrade process, Files/folders may not be accessible as your account is in transition and this may take up to 24 hours to complete.

    No worries though, once the migration is complete your files will show up in your Box account again.


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  • Chris Elson

    The same thing has happened to me, how long does this 'migration process' take, its been over a week now and my job is becoming more and more difficult without my files!

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  • Capitol Ministries

    Ooph - This would be a good thing to mention to people who are planning an upgrade, so that they can prepare.

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  • Box User

    Morning, just launched shared files for clients, released them (warned storage an issue, so upgraded), and all files have disappeared and lots of annoyed clients requiring access.

    This really should be warned so we can set expectations!

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  • Elizabeth Hargrave

    omg this just happened to me. I frequently share links to files with my clients and now those links are all broken. So much for "enterprise" -- this is literally harming my business.  Completely unacceptable that this could happen with no warning.

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  • Elizabeth Hargrave

    I am literally in tears. I can't figure out how to get through to anyone. I just paid you hundreds of dollars and you broke my entire workflow.

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  • Sean Pinfold

    same here, this is a huge problem now !!!! is there anyway to contact box support if you not in US ? Not sure what to do now 

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  • Seth Brody

    I just had the exact same thing happen. Totally ridiculous.  Have now lost all access for 24 hours in the middle of a critical project.   I CANNOT BELIEVE that you make no mention of this issue when scaring me into upgrading by telling me that my account is about to "run out of storage"!

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  • Elizabeth Hargrave

    Seth, to ease your anxiety, my files took less than 24 hours to show up. But omg, what a shock. Warn me so that I can set it to go over the weekend!!

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  • Box User

    What a disappointment.  I wish I have read this before i had upgraded.  All my files are gone after I have upgraded.  These are important files, how do i get them back.?

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  • Keely Milovsorov

    Same here! Is there a human that we can talk to? This lack of customer service is shocking. My colleague upgraded on Thursday. Its now Monday and his files are still lost in the ether. This is time critical.

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  • Ludmila Katz

    Hi there, the same problem with me. could you please answer if files returned?


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  • Chris Elson

    Hi Ludmila,


    Eventually I did get all my files back, but it took 3-4 weeks for them to sort it!

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  • Ludmila Katz

    Hi Chris,

    thank you so much for the answer. Did you communicate to anyone of box team?

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  • Chris Elson

    I eventually got through to someone via one of the online chat's who apologised and said they'd look into it. About 2 weeks after that, my files re-appeared.

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  • Ludmila Katz

    thank you! I sent request to support team. Hope it will return!

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  • 岡田駿之 | 管理者

    Hi, I'm having the same problem.
    I contacted the support team to come back data by tomorrow.

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