Is it possible to restore deleted Apps?

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  • Kourtney

    Hello Again - 

    The general answer is that it is possible in some cases. The difficulty here with your case is that free developer accounts are involved vs. managed users of one enterprise, so we are limited in who we can discuss details with and what we can disclose to who. I do apologize for the inconvenience here. 

    To move forward I would recommend making a new application. The app in question is a custom app with OAuth2.0 authentication and just the read/write scope. This should cause minimum disruption, you'll just need to swap out the client ID when building the authorization URL. In addition, to avoid this in the future, I recommend ensuring you add an additional person as the app collaborator. This can be done using the general tab for the app in the dev console. Adding an app collaborator will surface the app in their dev console. 

    Let me know if you have any questions on the above! 


    Kourtney, Box Developer Advocate

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  • Ayman Srouji

    Hello Kourtney,

    Thank you for your quick response.
    Chris Cardinal was the former SVP at of Software Engineering AbacusNext. Perry Steinberg has replaced him as Chief Product Officer.
    Perry's email address is
    Can you please contact him to discuss the details of Chris's account, what Apps were there on his account and if it is possible to restore them? 
    Please let us know if you need any details.
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