Box/Salesforce Integration on Custom Object - Error when trying to "Create Folder"

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  • Official comment
    Alex Novotny

    Hey Joshua!

    It looks like you are already working with our support team. That is the best way to get your issue resolved quickly. If they don't end resolving the problem, let me know. 


    Alex, Box Developer Advocate

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  • Craftsman Technology Group

    Running into the same issue here. Any chance you can share the resolution?

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  • Joshua Saltz

    There was a lot of back and forth with tech support, so I'm not sure what they may have done on their end but ultimately we discovered that a Box folder ID associated with the object was wrong and it needed to be manually changed in Salesforce. 

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  • Craftsman Technology Group

    Ah that makes sense and it solved it for me - thanks so much!


    In case anyone needs this in the future: to see the folder reference in Salesforce you can navigate to Setup -> Custom Settings -> Folder Details. There should be a record with the Salesforce object name and the Box folder id. Edit the record so the Box Folder Id is the correct one.

    If the Box folder has been deleted, you can delete the Custom Settings record and then create a folder for a record within that object (which should automatically create a new object folder). Then return to the Custom Settings & recreate the old record with the name of the record as the Salesforce object's plural form (ie custom object Application__c would get a name of "Applications")

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