File opening when I upload it

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  • Rona

    Hi there, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to help! 

    For a successful upload method, here's our suggestion. 

    For small contents: 

    While browsing all files and folders in Box, uploading a new file or folder is straightforward:

    1. In the All Files section, click New + button in the upper-right corner.

    2. Select File Upload or Folder Upload, depending on what you'd like to upload. 
    3. Select the file(s) or folder you'd like to upload.
    4. You can select multiple files for upload by holding the Command or Control key (Mac or Windows, respectively) while selecting files. However, you can only select one folder at a time for upload.
    5. Click Open or Upload.

    Hope it works! Let us know if you have question. 

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    Hello, this isn't the issue, I know how to upload a file, in fact I do it by sliding my file or folder into BOX,

    the problem I have is that it automatically opens the file I just uploaded and I DON'T want it to open, I know what I'm uploading and I don't need BOX to open the file

    Is that a intended behavior from BOX? Or should I head somewhere else to resolve that issue, like maybe it's my mouse that is too sensitive or i don't know?

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