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  • Rona

    Hi Jiayi, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to assist! 

    You must first identify if the missing files are your owned files or collaborated files. If it's the latter, kindly contact the owner and request for collaboration re-invite. 

    Meanwhile, if the missing files are your owned contents. Note When items are deleted from a collaboration folder, both the owner and the person who deleted the item can recover the items from the Trash. 

    You may follow the steps here to sort, filter or search your missing files from trash and lastly, restore it. 

    Hope it helps! 


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  • Jiayi He


    My missing folder has three sharers, but I'm not sure which is the owner.
    Because the email a1785395@adelaide.edu.au is no longer available.
    Last month I was able to see shared files in my account, this month neither I nor the other sharer can see them.
    hello box team,

    how can I retrieve them?

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