Access Denied to Service Account Reading/Writing Files (when added as collaborator)

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  • Rui Barbosa

    Hi Ethan,

    From your description this should have worked just fine.

    For example I have a Folder named "Shared with JWT", and when I list the collaborators you can see the JWT user

    When I list this using the API, JWT can see the folder.

    For example, who am I:

    ❯ box users:get --csv --fields type,id,name,login

    List my root items:

    ❯ box folders:items 0 --csv --fields type,id,name
    folder,172800574368,Shared with JWT
    folder,198776374510,Folders to be deleted
    folder,172760191314,JWT App Folder
    folder,198775215357,JWT Folder
    folder,198775845609,JWT Folder for UI Sample Apps
    folder,172801649008,My Box Notes
    folder,169047753928,UI Elements Demo

    So the issue must be some sort of configuration.

    Can you check if your folder is in fact shared with the correct service account, and it shows up in the collaborators list?

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