
1 comment

  • Rona

    Hi Gregory, 

    Welcome to Box Community and I’m here to help!

    You may proceed to uninstall your Box Drive: 

    1. Quit Box Drive
    2. Open a Terminal window and run the following command:
      fileproviderctl domain remove -A; defaults delete; rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Box/Box

      This command will:

      • Archive all files that are not synced (not uploaded to Box) from "~/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box" and move it to a new folder at "~/Box-Box (Archive)


        If you already have a "~/Box-Box (Archive)" folder from a previous manual reset, the folder will be named "~/Box-Box (Archive) 2", or if that name is already taken, "~/Box-Box (Archive) 3", and so on.

      • Exclude from the above archive files that are “up-to-date” or synced on Box
      • Re-create the parent hierarchy of the archived files
    3. While still in the Terminal window, now run the uninstaller script:
      • Type the following and press Enter:
        /Library/Application\ Support/Box/uninstall_box_drive

    You do not see your password as you enter it. Just press ENTER when have finished typing it in.

    Restart your machine and reinstall Box Drive here

    Hope it helps! 

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