How can I cancel uploading for those files with "pending" status

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  • Rona

    Hi Yilun, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to assist! 

    Looks like you've already worked with our Support team to address your query. 

    Thanks for posting! 

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  • Ervin Conn Jr

    What was the answer?  I have the same problem.


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  • Rebecca Brown

    so what's the answer??

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  • Christina Schiermann

    agree what is the answer????? I'd like to cancel only one of my many pending transfers. 
    Dropbox has much better functionality when it comes to desktop app usage 

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  • Norman Cyr

    Hello, what is the answer to this?


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  • Miyokos Master Home Account

    Box Support is notorious for NOT posting answers in threads! WE need this help and pay a lot of $$$ for your platform. Why not post the answer to help your customers??

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  • Dirk Aurin

    Could someone at Box please answer this question? My recent upload seems to have broken Box and it is now in an endless cycle of trying to transfer and failing. How do you make it stop?

    [Edit: I went through and deleted all directories in mac Finder on the Box server that were trying to upload one by one, and then restarted the Box app. Appears to have worked to break the cycle.]

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