

  • Rona

    Hi Kosuke, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to help! 

    Could you confirm your Operating System and your current Box version? Also, if you won't mind me asking, why do you want to change your Box Drive location?

    We'd love to hear back from you! 

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  • Kosuke Maeda

    Hi Rona, 

    thank you for your reply!!

    OS and box version is as below, 

    Operating System: Windows10 21H2   Box version: 2.33.130

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  • Kosuke Maeda

    Hi Rona,

    sorry, but the reason of changing the Box drive location cannot be opened here.

    id love to hear back from you. thank you


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  • Dan Warfield

    I have the same question. I don't keep any data on my boot drive unless absolutely needed. Even so, storage capacity is always a concern. Also, like most modern windows PCs, I have an SSD boot drive, which is fast but which is slightly degraded by every operation.

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