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  • Rona

    Hi there, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to help! 

    Looks like you don't own any files. Meanwhile, to collaborate with an Enterprise account, to keep their contents secured even when sharing it with External Users. An Enterprise Admin can implement and require strong passwords. 

    When it’s set, what’s the experience for new external collaborators that are invited?

    • When an external collaborator is invited to collaborate on content that is subject to a strong password and their password is not strong enough already, they will be prompted in the web app to either accept or reject that collaboration invite
    • If they reject, they will not be able to access the shared content (on the Box web app, Box Sync Box mobile apps, etc.). If they decide later that they’d like to change their password in order to access the content, they will need to be invited again by a collaborator.
    • If they accept, they will prompted to change their Box password to meet the stricter criteria

    Pro tip in creating a strong password

    How do you define a “strong” password?

    • A "strong" password is a password of increased complexity. By default, Box does not require any specific level of complexity beyond the minimum number of characters.
    • A “strong” password must contain more characters than the minimum allowed. We recommend including numbers, special characters, and a mix of upper- and lowercase letters, but these are not required – they just help increase key space.
    • The criteria for a strong password for external collaborators is not related to the enterprise's password requirement settings but follows Box guidelines for strong passwords: using at least 8 characters, with either a combination of numbers, uppercase letters, or special characters (i.e. $#@&!).
    • If an external collaborator already uses SSO to access Box, we consider that a strong password and do not require updating the password.

    To know more, please visit this page. 

    Hope it helps! 


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