Go straight to SSO using OAuth2

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  • Michael Allen

    I have some write this you can read this 

    Yes, it is possible to enable Single Sign-On (SSO) required for a single app in the enterprise while keeping other apps with the option to use SSO. This can be achieved by configuring the SSO settings specifically for that app within your SSO provider or identity management system.

    The exact steps to enable SSO required for a single app may vary depending on the SSO provider or identity management system you are using. 

    By enabling SSO required for that single app, users who attempt to access it will be automatically redirected to the SSO login page without the option to bypass the SSO process. For other apps in the enterprise, where SSO is not required, TellPopeyes Survey users will have the flexibility to choose whether to use SSO or not. 

    Thanks for read this information. i hope my information is good.

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  • Rona

    Hi Ben, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to help! 

    You may open a new case and work with our Product Support team for the clarification and additional assistance. 

    Thanks for posting! 


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  • laury friese

    Yes, it is possible to enable Single Sign-On (SSO) specifically for a single app in an enterprise environment. By configuring the SSO settings for that particular app, you can ensure that users are directed straight to the SSO page without having to manually select "Use single sign on". This can be achieved through the administration or configuration settings of your SSO solution. Please consult your SSO provider or IT department for specific instructions on how to enable SSO for a single app in your enterprise.

    Drift Boss

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