Can't get access token via JWT for custom app (integration server to server )
I'm trying to obtain access token from JWT credentials grant. I tested a lot of scenarios, but all ended with different http 400 error. I’m sending the JWT data according to specification “JWT without SDK” and it also ends up with http error 400. I tested various options, and sometimes I got more meaningful error messages like more “Please check the 'sub' claim. The 'sub' specified is invalid.” That type errors I was able to fix. But I have no idea why I’m getting the error response ":"The client credentials are invalid" whe all seesm to bo OK according to JWT without SDK guide
I aslo attmpted to use logogn as service accoun "user" but it failed. See result bellow Based on all of this I believe I’m sending right JWT token content but I got only error response . Can you help with this issue
HTTP status: 400
Error code : badrequest
Response :{"error":"invalid_client","error_description":"The client credentials are invalid"}
The reques is posted to endpoint and it look like this
grant_type=urn%3Aietf%3Aparams%3Aoauth%3Agrant-type%3Ajwt-bearer&assertion=[ header.payload.signature here ] &client_id=we7so1r05na94npuz7l6lhjo5oj9nk5u&client_secret[value from config.json file here]
The decoded assetion part JWT data look like this
typ: "JWT",
alg: "RS512",
kid: "y63fp--------- part of value removed] "
iss: "we7so1r05na94npuz7l6lhjo5oj--------- part of removed] ",
sub: "810013",
box_sub_type: "enterprise",
aud: "",
jti: "JWT-Worday-1691057022067",
exp: 1691057077
I suscesfully checked the following:
- Decoding JWT token - it was OK.
- Decrypting the private key via code and compare inf with openssl decoded key it was OK.
- Trying to use node.js SDK to generate token – OK - the token content looks similar.
Other attempts
I also experimented login as “user” by means of providing different values for “iss” and “box_sub_type” fields.
The result were
In JWT token I set in "iss" field value of "service account name"
In JWT token I set in "sub" field value of "user"
Error code : badrequest
Response :{"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"Please check the 'iss' claim. The client id specified is invalid."}
In JWT token I set in "iss" field there is value of Oauth2.0 client ID
In JWT token I set in "sub" field value of "user"
Response :{"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"Please check the 'sub' claim. The 'sub' specified is invalid."}
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