Not Syncing Across Accounts

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  • faulkne rehman

    I understand that you have multiple log-in accounts in Windows 10 due to your affiliation with different organizations. However, you're experiencing an issue where changes made to files and folders do not sync across these accounts on the same PC.
    To resolve this, I recommend checking the sync settings for each account and ensuring that the sync feature is enabled. Additionally, make sure ballsportsgames that you have a stable internet connection and that the files/folders you are working on are set to sync. 


    Best regard,
    Faulkne Rehman

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  • Rona

    Hi Charles, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to help!

    What is your Box App's version?  Also, did you check if your affected Box account(s) has the same access to the affected folder?

    We'll await for your reply! 

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