When I delete files from my desktop Box drive, they delete from the on-line folder

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  • Rona

    Hi Sarah, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to help! 

    You use Box Drive to cache your files from the Box website down to your local Box folder in your machine. When a file is deleted from your local Box folder, it deletes back from the Box website and vice versa. 

    Meanwhile, if you wanted to remove your Box Drive's cache, please log out and log in from Box Drive. 

    Additionally, you can limit Box Drive's cache limit in your machine. 

    Modifying the maximum cache limit:

    You can change Box Drive's maximum cache size limit from the default 25GB by following the steps below. We do not recommend setting the limit to below 5GB. Limiting the cache size too aggressively can degrade the end user experience.

    1. Add a new DWORD registry value called MaximumCacheSize under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Box\Box.
    2. MaximumCacheSize should be set to an integer value representing the new cache limit in GB (for example, setting MaximumCacheSize's value to 6 would mean the cache max is 6GB).
    3. Quit and re-launch Box Drive after making this change.
    This new limit applies to all Windows users on the machine. Get more information on modifying Window's registry here:https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/310516/how-to-add--modify--or-delete-registry-subkeys-and-values-by-using-a
    To revert the limit, delete the MaximumCacheSize registry value and re-launch Box Drive.


    Box Drive in File Provider Extension mode doesn't support the ability to configure maximum cache size.  In the FPE mode, macOS manages the caching functionality.

    Refer to Modes of operation in Mac to determine whether Box Drive is operating in kernel-based or FPE mode.

    1. Open the Terminal
    2. Run the command below. Replace Cache_Limit_Here with an integer representing the new cache limit in GB:
      defaults write com.box.desktop MaximumCacheSize Cache_Limit_Here
    3. Quit and re-launch Box Drive after running this command.
    This new limit applies only to the Mac user who ran the command. It does not apply to all Mac users on the machine.
    To revert the limit, run the following command in Terminal and re-launch Box Drive:
    defaults delete com.box.desktopMaximumCacheSize


    Hope it helps! 
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  • Daniel Smart

    IDK if this will work, but maybe in the box sync app, turn of sync, then delete, then turn of sync again.


    hopefully that will work, but don't know for sure, it only a guess.

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