Setting Password

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  • Rona

    Hi Natsuki, 

    Welcome to Box Community and gald to help! 

    You can only access the folder you're invited to by creating a strong password. To do so, you can try this: 

    • A "strong" password is a password of increased complexity. By default, Box does not require any specific level of complexity beyond the minimum number of characters.
    • A “strong” password must contain more characters than the minimum allowed. We recommend including numbers, special characters, and a mix of upper- and lowercase letters, but these are not required – they just help increase key space.
    • The criteria for a strong password for external collaborators is not related to the enterprise's password requirement settings but follows Box guidelines for strong passwords: using at least 8 characters, with either a combination of numbers, uppercase letters, or special characters (i.e. $#@&!).
    • If an external collaborator already uses SSO to access Box, we consider that a strong password and do not require updating the password.

    Hope it helps! 

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  • Ilan Cortes

    Yes, I had the same issue. 

    I changed my Gmail password to a stronger one and it did not do it.

    I went to account settings to set a password but received an error.

    I clicked "Update password" on the folder and then it said my old password was bad. 

    The link here worked but why does it just give you that link when you click "update" on the folder? 

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