

  • Rona

    Hi Carles, 

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!

    Please be informed that this community is primarily intended for English language speakers. If you are able to post your question in English, the community may be better able to assist. Google Translate or other tools may help! If any community members are able to understand and help, it would be greatly appreciated!


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  • Carles Pla

    Gracias por tu inestimable esfuerzo por responderme y ayudarme dándome la opción de traducir con google lo que podrías haber hecho sin la necesidad de mensajes dobles que ahora tenemos

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  • Carles Pla

    Thank you for your invaluable effort to respond and help me by giving me the option to translate with google what you could have done without the need for double messages that we now have

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  • Box User
    Good morning. I just installed version 2.39.174, on a W10 Pro 64-bit, 22H2, and when I start it says: 

    Even if I reinstall it, after uninstalling it, it still appears.

    Greetings (Google translate)

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