How can I get screen shots of an invited clients Box invite process?

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  • crossina REN

    By using VMs or sandboxing solutions, you can create isolated testing environments for capturing the Box invite process without the need to set up additional Box accounts. This approach ensures that you can obtain the necessary screenshots while maintaining data privacy and security. Additionally, this method is suitable for both desktop and mobile app screen captures.  Inside the VM, set up a new, isolated environment for Box. You can create a new Box account within the VM without affecting your primary account. Run the Box invite process and capture screenshots within the VM as needed. You can use the built-in screenshot tools of the VM's operating system or any third-party screen capture software.

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  • Rona

    Hi David, 


    Welcome to Box Community and glad to help! 


    We've created a new case and a member of our team will contact you through email, please keep an eye out. 


    Thanks for posting!

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