Locked out of account by scammer
AnsweredHello Box team.
I'm actually adding to case #2966693 - Russel suggested that to corroborate the story of how the account was hijacked by a scammer, current managed users, such as myself, could create a separate ticket with this concern. Specifically he said "Otherwise, you may reach out as well to the current managed users on your tenant and have them create a separate ticket with this concern so that we could proceed in the best course of steps to maintain the security on your account." - of course I cannot open a ticket with my account, the best i can do is post on the support forum here. I believe this issue stems from the main account holder from box actually having her entire original gmail account stolen. The details can surely be seen in that case number.
So, that is what I'm doing, to encourage you to reinstate the account in question to the rightful owners (temporary) new gmail account [personal information–redacted] which i've obviously censored since this is a public forum, but you get the idea if you look up the case #.
I have been working with the real owner of the account in her business for a couple of years, I think you should be able to see that from my account details, not to mention my frequent downloads and uploads. The nature of my help comes from the fact that she is not particularly technically inclined, hence the problem with losing her gmail account to the scammer in the first place.
Feel free to email me using my box account information and i can provide any more details as required.
Thank You,
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