
  • Total activity 764
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Latest activity by Ann
  • Ann commented,

    Hi there, Welcome to the Box Community! This might require some account specific information, so I've submitted a case to Box Support on your behalf. You should be receiving an email confirmation s...

  • Ann commented,

    Hi Bruno, Welcome to the Box Community! A Box Software Developer may address your query most effectively. It would be preferable for you to post your question on our new community website:

  • Ann commented,

    Hi DP Admin, Welcome to Box Community! I went ahead and opened a new ticket. A member of our team will get in touch shortly and please keep an eye on your email. Thanks for posting!  Best,Ann

  • Ann commented,

    Hi Bojan, Welcome to the Box Community! This issue should be best addressed by our Product Support. I have created a ticket for you and kindly check your email for updates.  Thank you for posting! ...

  • Ann commented,

    Hi there, Welcome to Box Community! Note: If you ever come across these data inaccuracies in your account, please know that the problem is entirely with the display of these totals. This has no eff...

  • Ann commented,

    Hi there, Welcome to the Box Community! This might require some account specific information, so I've submitted a case to Box Support on your behalf. You should be receiving an email confirmation s...

  • Ann commented,

    Hi Emiko, Welcome to the Box Community! This might require some account specific information, so I've submitted a case to Box Support on your behalf. You should be receiving an email confirmation s...

  • Ann commented,

    Hi there, Welcome to Box Community! Note: If you ever come across these data inaccuracies in your account, please know that the problem is entirely with the display of these totals. This has no eff...

  • Ann commented,

    Hi Richard, Welcome to Box Community! Note: If you ever come across these data inaccuracies in your account, please know that the problem is entirely with the display of these totals. This has no e...

  • Ann commented,

    Hi Luca, Welcome to the Box Community! This would be something Product Support team would like to investigate and may require specific account information. I see you already have an open ticket for...