

  • Box User

    Search option (as per description) should return results where either title or contents match search criteria:

    (it says - "search your notes by title or contents...")

    i have prepared test note with some content:


    Now let's try to search:

    if i search by TITLE - it returns result:

    However if we try to enter some text from the contents - nothing is returned:

    ...No results

    Wanted to give a try to Box Notes... it looks pretty nice overall, but the option to search by contents (and return results while i'm typing) is a critical functionality for me.

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  • Dwayne McConnell

    I have the same concern. I see multiple ways to initiate a search in Box.

    With a folder there is a spyglass field which says, "Search Files and Folders". If I enter a term, I am taken to search results and can limit the search in various ways. No matter how specific I am there seems to be no way to search files by content. In my case I limit the search to Type: Box Note, Search Folders: {folder which only contains Box Notes}, Search Within: File Contents and I get nothing regardless of the term I use, and all the terms I use should be found.

    Within a particular Box Note there is a spyglass I can click on to get "Search All Notes" which says "Search your notes by title or contents..."  I only get search hits based on the title of the files and never based on the contents regardless of the term I use, and all the terms I use should be found.

    I have searched several times for help on this and found nothing. I have two conclusions.

    1. Box does not support searching the contents of files.

    2. The claim that Box searches "contents" should be removed until this is provided.

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