
1 comment

  • Rona

    Hi Kent, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to assist! 

    To utilize Box Drive, please make sure you're running the latest version of Box Drive. If not, please do update the latter. 

    1. To install the update, in the system notification, click Update Now. If you have closed the notification or missed it, you can navigate to the search menu by clicking the Box icon in your menu bar or by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Option + Cmd + Space.
    2. From the search menu, begin the update either by clicking Update Available or by clicking the gear icon and then clicking Update. Box Drive then prompts you to close any open Box Drive files and proceed with the update.

    Box Drive can also auto-update when it launches. If Drive detects that an update is available while it is starting up, it automatically applies the update without requiring any action on your part. This auto-update feature became available as of v2.2.

    In Addition to this, users can right-click on a folder in Box Drive and choose "Refresh folder" to get the latest updates made to this folder from Box on demand if they notice that some updates don't already reflect in Finder/Explorer.

    Hope it helps! 


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