Capacity does not decrease even after deleting all data.

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  • Stephen Baker

    Hello DogLikesBest@Tatsuo,

    This issue may be due to a delay in the synchronization of the storage space after deleting data. Sometimes, it may take up to 24 hours for the capacity to reflect the changes. Here are some possible solutions that I found:

    • Wait for some time and check the capacity again later. It may update automatically after a while.
    • Clear the cache and cookies of your browser, and log in to your Box account again. This may refresh the capacity information and show the correct amount.
    • Contact the Box Support team and request them to run a script to fix your capacity. This may require you to provide your email address and account ID.

    I hope you get your solution.
    Best Regards

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  • Rona

    Hi Tatsuo,

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to help!

    Great news! I went ahead and fixed your storage count. To verify this, log in to> Account Settings> Storage Used.

    In the future, if you experience incorrect storage, please let us know in this forum.

    Hope it works!

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  • Tatsuo Ishikawa

    Hi Stephen378Baker and Rona,

    Thank you for your comments.
    I just logged in and checked the capacity and the capacity was cleared.
    The problem is solved! Thank you very much.

    Best Regards
    Tatsuo Ishikawa

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  • Martin Majesky

    Dear Admins,

    I have the same problem in my account. Data was deleted few months ago and capacity still seems in use. Can you help me, please?

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