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Primary admin email address rules to use when creating a Developer sandbox

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  • Carol Hunter

    According to the Box Support page, the primary admin email address for a developer sandbox must be unique and cannot be an email address of an existing Box managed user.

    This means that a group address with multiple people registered is not a valid option for the primary admin email address. The primary admin email address is used to send a login email to the developer who will act as the sandbox’s admin BallSportsGear.

    The sandbox’s primary admin can then create additional sandbox user accounts or use the Box Command Line Interface (CLI) to automate the bulk provisioning of users to the sandbox. I hope this answers your question.

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  • 杵淵 純也

    Thank you for your answer.

    However, we recognize that what must be unique is the address registered for each sandbox.

    The address you want to register is not another sandbox or an existing Box managed user.

    Even in that case, is it not possible to register with a group address?

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  • Rona

    Hi there, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to assist! 

    To answer your sandbox inquiry, you may use this forum and get in touch with our Developer team. 

    Thanks for posting! 

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