Ready-sign Link permission issue

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  • Rona

    Hi Donovan, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to assist!

    I have created a ticket and a member from Product Support will get in touch, please keep an eye out. 

    Thanks for posting!

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  • John Scerri



    We are having the exact same issue, was this ever resolved? 


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  • Heath Matthew

    I'm having the same issue...was there ever any resolution to this?

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  • John Scerri

    Hey Heath, the below is the response I received from Box directly, which did fix my issue:

    In reviewing your screenshots/workflow, I am seeing that your Templates only have a signature field for you, the Sender, with no other fields for any other Signers, correct? If this is the case in all of your examples, then this is what's failing the Ready Sign Link as these will need another individual's signature field added, or even a Placeholder, to be correctly configured for use. Please adjust your template to include another Signer field, and let me know if this resolves the issue you're seeing, or if you're still encountering any issues I can assist further with.

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