Unable to invite external collaborators

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  • Ann

    Hi Ram, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    Please make sure that the option "Restrict Collaboration with WiserCare, Inc." is not enabled in the folder settings. Also check the folder owner's settings in the Admin console > Users and groups if "Restrict External Collaboration" (under the "Role and access permissions") has a checked mark.

    I trust this information proves helpful in resolving the problem.

    Thank you for posting!

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  • davidswalkabout

    I have the same problem:

    1. I log in as an enterprise admin. My login email has the same domain (and no subdomain) as the domain for our Box account.
    2. I visit a folder and go to its Collaboration/Invitation Restrictions settings. All are disabled.
    3. I visit the Admin Console / Users and Groups and confirm that we have many external collaborators (all added via your SDK)
    4. Yet when I use the Share button in one of the folders, hovering over the textbox to enter an invite shows "You do not have permission to invite collaborators"
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