Trouble setting up Salesforce Connection
Answeredwe are an enterprise user of salesforce. I am in the box configuration section within salesforce and I'm getting the error below when we try to login. My salesforce technical support representative is telling me that I cannot log using my admin account. I have to have a separate account. Is this something that you guys can set up or do I have to pay an additional fee? I need to have separate email addresses from my admin accountto my user account. Is that something that you can do?
"You may not log in with the same Box user as the service account."
Hi Stan,
Welcome to Box Community and glad to assist!
Your Box service account should serve as an account used exclusively for managing the Box for Salesforce integration; it shouldn't be assigned to an individual user. This account:
- "owns" the Salesforce content on Box,
- makes API calls from Salesforce to Box for the entire enterprise,
- and must have Box Admin or Co-admin level permissions, with Admin permissions to:
- Manage users & groups
- View/Edit users' content and Log in to users' accounts
- (as needed) Edit Sign permissions/settings for your company
- Box recommends this account have unlimited storage, as this represents the integration's storage allotment.
Note: If you don't have a Box service account, the Box Admin should create one as a managed user, for example
To get started, here's how to install Box for Salesforce.
Let me know if you have clarifications,
Hope it helps!
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