Can't set/reset password

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  • Rona

    Hi there, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to assist! 

    Looks like you should reset your password, please follow the steps below. 

    1. Visit and enter the email address associated with your Box account.
    2. Check your email, you will receive an email with a link to reset your password.
      • Password reset links sent via email expire 3 hours after they are sent. If you need a new link after your current one has expired, visit to have another link emailed to you.
      • If you do not receive an email from Box for this password reset, check to see if your Box account is associated with that specific email address or another email address.
      • Also, check your spam folder in your email client for this email.

    Hope it works! 

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  • Cuuc Treasurer

    So it THINKS it works, but when I login, it takes me through the Google sign in (no way to put in the password) and when I look at my profile it says I don't have a password setup.

    I need this so I can use Box Sync, which doesn't like the password I just setup. See below.

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  • Cuuc Treasurer

    Does ANYONE have any suggestions? I see that I'm not the only person having this problem, but does anyone have a solution?

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