Storage full but isn't, again...

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  • Rona

    Hi Charles, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to help!

    Great news! I went ahead and fixed your storage count. To verify this, log in to> Account Settings> Storage Used.

    In the future, if you experience incorrect storage, please let us know in this forum.

    Thanks for posting!

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  • Charles Lipper

    Hi Rona. Thanks for running the script. It is now showing 7.8 GB of 10.0 GB used, and I'm nowhere near that amount of usage. I don't think I'm even using 1 GB of storage. Can you please look into this? And again, does this problem occur with paid Personal Pro and Starter accounts, or just on free Individual accounts? Wondering if paying for an account will prevent this from happening. Thanks again.

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  • Alexey Udalov

    Hi Rona, could you please do the same with my account. Thank you in advance!

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