about Updating BOX drives and folders

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  • Rona

    Hi there, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to assist!

    If you're actively working and updating files on Box. And your collaborators are having issues accessing those items you put out.

    You might want to check the following: 

    1. Are your newly uploaded/edited contents visible through box.com
    2. Are your collaborators utilizing the most updated Box Drive version? To confirm, these are the outlined steps in Installing and Updating Box Drive. 

    Hope it helps! 

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  • 近 丈博

    Hi there,

    Thank you for your comment.

    About Updating, Me and my collaborators will see each other's newly updated files on Box Drive

    my collaborators will see each other's newly updated files on Box Drive.

    I'll try to get my collaborators to update to the latest version of Box Drive.

    Or maybe that's because I was using marks in 📎 the names of the files.

    Thank you again for your kindness

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