reset my privat 2FA

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  • Rona

    Hi Stephan,

    Welcome to Box Community and happy to assist! 

    As much as we wanted to address this issue with you. Your Enterprise account has a designated team that works with Box Premier Services. 

    At this rate, please get in touch with your internal helpdesk team for assistance. 

    Thanks for posting!

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  • Stephan Troidl (IBM)

    Hi Ramona,

    thanks for the answer, but it's not about my business account, its about my private account<personal information redacted>
    Unfortunately I can no longer log in with my private account :-)
    Is it possible to deactivate my 2FA of my private account for a short timr,  so that I can set up the 2FA again.

    I would be very happy if you could help me.


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  • Rona

    Hi Stephan, 

    Good day!

    You can create a new case using your affected email account here

    Thanks for posting!

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