When did Box become such a horrible product?

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  • Dennis Leon


    It sounds like you’ve encountered a series of frustrating issues, from password reset problems to lack of visibility on support tickets. Here are some steps you might consider to address these issues:

    Password Reset: If you haven’t received a password reset email, check your spam or junk folder. Sometimes emails from support services can be filtered out. If it’s not there, try the password reset process again, ensuring that you enter the correct email associated with your account.

    Account Access: Since you’ve logged in through Google, ensure that the account you’re using is the one linked to the file shared with you. If you have multiple Google accounts, it’s possible you might be logged into the wrong one.

    Support Ticket: To gain visibility on your support ticket, you can visit the Box Support page and look for options to view your existing tickets1. If you can’t HealthCareGov find a way to view your ticket, you might want to open a new one explaining all the issues you’ve faced, including the lack of response to your previous ticket.

    Community Help: Sometimes, other users can offer solutions based on their experiences. You can post your issue in the Box Community forums to see if anyone else has encountered similar problems and found a workaround.

    Direct Contact: If the issue persists, consider reaching out to Box Support directly via their contact page or social media channels. Companies often respond promptly to public queries on platforms like Twitter.

    Alternative Solutions: If you continue to face issues, you might want to explore alternative file sharing services that meet your needs and offer reliable customer support.

    I hope the information may helps you. 




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  • Rona

    Hi Ciprian, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to assist!

    To reset the password for your Box account, follow this process:

    1. Visit https://app.box.com/reset and enter the email address associated with your Box account.
    2. Check your email, you will receive an email with a link to reset your password.
      • Password reset links sent via email expire 3 hours after they are sent. If you need a new link after your current one has expired, visit https://app.box.com/reset to have another link emailed to you.
      • If you do not receive an email from Box for this password reset, check to see if your Box account is associated with that specific email address or another email address.
      • Also, check your spam folder in your email client for this email.

    In addition to this, to successfully setup a strong password, here’s our pro tips in creating a strong password with Box. 

    • A "strong" password is a password of increased complexity. By default, Box does not require any specific level of complexity beyond the minimum number of characters.
    • A “strong” password must contain more characters than the minimum allowed. We recommend including numbers, special characters, and a mix of upper- and lowercase letters, but these are not required – they just help increase key space.
    • The criteria for a strong password for external collaborators is not related to the enterprise's password requirement settings but follows Box guidelines for strong passwords: using at least 8 characters, with either a combination of numbers, upper- and lowercase letters, or special characters (i.e. $#@&!).
    • If an external collaborator already uses SSO to access Box, we consider that a strong password and do not require updating the password.

    Thanks for taking your time to use our Community forum to address your inquiry. 

    Hope it helps!

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  • Ciprian Popoviciu

    I do not have a problem with logging in. I am logged in, I also have a strong password. Yet when I try to access the folder shared with me I get: "The owner requires all collaborators to have passwords that meet the minimum requirements below. In order to collaborate in this folder, your Box account password should have:" When I try to use the option to the right of that message to update my password, it simply does not work.

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