Access to folders by invitation

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  • Damian CALLEJAS

    Hello, two employees invited me to work on two different files. Despite accepting the invitation, I can't get the shared folders on my box. Can I get help, please?

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  • Steve Kadish

    Are you in the same organization as the people who invited you to the folder?  If yes, have you been set up with a Box account?

    We have had employees invite new hires to collaborate in Box, before the new hires have Box accounts.  They get invited as external collaborators, which is not what is intended.

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  • Damian CALLEJAS

    Indeed, they are collaborators of my company. I already have a BOX account. That's why I don't understand

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  • Rona

    Hi Damian, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to assist! 

    Looks like you're having trouble accessing the folder you were invited to. At this rate, can you follow the steps below ensure that you were invited using the correct email linked to your Box account. 

    1. Confirm which email the invitation is being sent to.

    2. Check which email address your Box account is associated to. To do so, go to your Box account, click on your name on the top right hand side, then navigate to "Account Settings."

    3. Make sure the email address the invitation was sent to matches the email in your account settings.

    4. If they do not match, have the invitation sent to the email associated with the Box account.

    Hope it works! 


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