Adding user with an existing account

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  • Florence Gayhart


    This error typically occurs when the user you’re trying to add already has an account associated with another Box enterprise. Here are a few steps you can take to resolve this issue:

    Contact Box Support: Reach out to Box Support to request the migration of the user from their current enterprise to yours. This process involves Box Support transferring the user’s account and data to your enterprise1.
    User Action: Ask the user to contact their current enterprise admin to release their account. Once released, you should be able to add them to your enterprise.
    Create a New Account: If the user does not need access to their old data, you can create a new account for them using a different email address.
    Check for External Collaborations: Ensure that any external collaborations the user has are not restricted by your enterprise’s settings2.
    By following these steps, you should be able to add the user to your Box enterprise.
















    Best regards,
    Florence Gayhart
    Spotify Pie

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  • Travis

    How does one reach out to Box support?

    It seems impossible.

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  • Rona

    Hi Travis, 

    Welcome to Box Community! 

    I've opened a new case regarding your inquiry and a member from Product Support will get in touch shortly. 

    Thanks for posting!

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