

  • Florence Gayhart


    To reactivate a deactivated collaborator in Box, follow these steps:

    Log in to Box: Go to your Box account and log in.
    Navigate to the Folder: Go to the folder where the collaborator was originally added.
    Manage Collaborators: Click on the “Share” button or the “Collaborators” tab.
    Add Collaborator: Enter the email address of the deactivated collaborator in the “Invite People” field.
    Set Permissions: Choose the appropriate permission level for the collaborator.
    Send Invite: Click “Send” to re-invite the collaborator.

    This should restore their access to the folder.













    Best Regards,
    Florence Gayhart
    Official Site

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  • Rona

    Hi Kimberly,

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to assist! 

    You can inform the deactivated user(s) to contact Box Support to look into his/her deactivated status or just setup a new account.

    Thanks for posting! 

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